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Secondary KS3 and KS4

Spring Term 2025

The Hollywater Secondary curriculum intends to provide all pupils with a range of meaningful and appropriate learning opportunities that engages and inspires them so that they learn and achieve transferable skills that will prepare them for adult life.  The curriculum caters for the needs of all individual learners but also provides opportunities to challenge thinking as well as extend knowledge and skills. As pupils move through the school, the skills they need for the future become an integral part of their learning.  These include communication, mobility, independence, relationships, self-esteem and self-confidence, self-regulation skills and personal and social development.   This half-term the topic for Orange and Charcoal pupils is Changes. Pupils will be developing their knowledge through investigating solids, liquids and gases, changes that happened in history during the First World War and how volcanoes and earthquakes have changed our landscapes across Asia.  Red Class are following their new curriculum from Equals and will be exploring Life Cycles as their topic.  KS4 pupils will be continuing to focus on building their portfolios for their accreditations. Pupils will be building and developing skills and knowledge in the following areas within the curriculum: 



























































































































Pupils will be learning…. 


Orange class, Charcoal class and Red class   - writing lists and interviews and guided reading sessions using books as a focus.  

Red class - fiction – writing lists; ‘Q Pootle 5’ by Nick Butterworth

Orange and Charcoal class – fictional text – Interview; ‘Interview with a Tiger & Other Clawed Beasts Too’ By Andy Seed and Nick East.

Aqua class, Blue class and Bronze class - writing; explaining and commenting on effective written language and comparing writers’ ideas and perspectives 

Daily phonics is taught to all pupils where appropriate


Orange class, Charcoal class and Red class  

• developing their knowledge of addition and subtraction with measurement - time, mass

• continuing to develop their ability to use learnt skills when identifying fractions, investigating geometry and calculations when multiplying and dividing, using and understanding number and place value

• continue to explore addition and subtraction with money and with mass

Aqua class, Blue class and Bronze class

• to continue to develop their knowledge of measures; length, weight and capacity

• learning to convert and then compare and order units of measurement

• develop their knowledge of ratio; understanding of equality and basic fractions

• increase their knowledge and skill in working with money; convert units of money and use a calculator to do simple calculations of money using decimals


Red Class

biology; animals including humans 1 and 2, pupils will

o experience plants and animals in local situations

o learn that different animals and plants like to live and grow in different places and that all have somewhere that is just right for them o learn that all plants and animals reproduce o habitat and environment variations

o animals’ adaptations to environmental changes in their habitats o food chains

o animals’ adaptations as predators and prey

o experience plants and animals in local situations

o learn that different animals and plants like to live and grow in different places and that all have somewhere that is just right for them

o learn that all plants and animals reproduce

Orange class and Charcoal class  

chemistry; changing materials and their properties

o solids, liquids and gases

o changes are reversible and irreversible

o changes that occur when solids and liquids are mixed o separating solids from their solutions.

o working scientifically: predicting and testing predictions, making observations and measurements and presenting these and grouping according to results.

Blue class

solids, liquids and gases

o identify at least two examples each of a solid, liquid and a gas

o understand the term heat and give examples of at least two objects that can heat

o understand the term cooling and give a minimum of two examples of how we can cool items

o observe a change of heating to cooling

o observe a change of cooling to heating

Aqua class and Bronze class

chemistry: elements compound and mixtures

o building on prior knowledge of matter, how it is composed of tiny particles called atoms and that there are about 100 naturally occurring types of atoms called elements

o to identify elements shown in the periodic table as either metals or non-metals

o to know that atoms are the building blocks for all substances and when two or more elements combine chemically a compound is 


Orange class, Charcoal class and Red class

• exploring programming and algorithms

• E-Safety – online reputation and online relationships

Blue class

• Using creative software

Aqua class and Bronze class

• using creative software to change and create a creative composition 


Orange class and Charcoal class

• Asia – Volcanoes and Earthquakes; developing their understanding of 6 key questions

o What are fold mountains?

o How are volcanoes made?

o How does an earthquake occur?

o What happens when a volcano erupts?

o What happens when an earthquake occurs?

o How can we protect against earthquakes?

Red class

• developing their knowledge of plants and animals from around the 


Orange class and Charcoal class  

• the First World war; pupils will learn about the causes of the war, the western front and its trenches, the home front, the end of the war and how we commemorate this hugely significant historical event today 


Orange class and Charcoal class

Vivaldi Four Seasons – Baroque music history; look at a different season each week, they create their own season piece • last week: performance / video of classes 4 seasons.

Red Class

• weather, seasons and Easter songs  

• music – moods, pictures, and soundscapes  

• emotions, expressions, and moods

• facial expressions and changing voices

• simple soundscapes

• timbre – different timbres – soundscapes, experience timbre between different sounds

• tempo – emotional states through changes in tempo 


KS4 are working with the Rock Steady music company to create music, as a band


Orange class, Charcoal class and Red class  

• personal fitness – personalised programmes to improve fitness

Aqua class, Blue class and Bronze class

• golf; individual skill and team competition 


Orange class, Charcoal class and Red Class

• Judaism; pupils will explore the following:

o key events in the life of Moses and his importance to Jews

o how the Ten Commandments express a relationship with God and a guide for living

o how and why Passover is celebrated today o some Jewish beliefs about God

o that the Torah is the Holy book in Judaism and compare this to the Christian Holy book

o the way in which prayer and blessings is significant to the Jewish way of life and how this relates to their own way of life

o to identify and recognise the features of a synagogue o understand the role of a rabbi within the Jewish community

Blue class

• Hinduism; pupils to explore the Hindu faith by exploring

o Hindu Gods and how they are worshipped

o Hindu stories (Krishna and the Butter), discover the festivals of Diwali, Holi and Raksha Bandan

o rites of passage and Hindu pilgrimages Aqua class, and Bronze class • does God exist? pupils will develop their own views on:

o understanding why people hold different beliefs about God

o understand different views about what God might be like

o understand how God might perform each of the Omni attributes in real life situations

o understand key Islamic beliefs about God and to know Key words used by Muslim believers to speak about God

o understand Christian beliefs about The Holy Trinity and the three separate roles of God

o understand different attitudes towards miracles

o understand the ‘Design Argument’ and how it is used to prove the existence of God 


Red Class Orange class and Charcoal class

• abstract – different media; Picasso and Pollark 





Orange class and Charcoal class  

• food technology – family favourites; savoury dishes

• focus on ingredient availability in war; some classes will work on the same recipe to develop independence 


Aqua class and Bronze class 

  • learning new skills in  

  • horticulture 

  • hospitality 

  • enterprise 

and college experiences on a rotation 


Blue class 

  • ASDAN Transpiring Aspirations, developing skills and knowledge of 

  • friends, relationships and community 

  • employment 

  • good health 

and independent living 


Aqua class Bronze class and Blue class  

  • Bronze Teams; Volunteering – helping a charity; The Camrose Centre for the homeless 

  • Skill – St John Ambulance Schools First Aid 

  • Silver Teams; Physical – learning to play golf 

  • Skill – planning and compiling the monthly school newsletter 


Orange class and Red class

• my travel training

• my thinking and problem solving

• my play and leisure Red Class 



All Secondary classes will be focusing on self-awareness