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EYFS and KS1


Spring First Half 2025

Within Early Years ( Lemon and Lime class ) and Key Stage One ( Silver class ) pupils will be focusing primarily on the following three curricular goals this term :

• PSED and Communication - I can make my needs and wants known and I can work with others.

• Physical Development and Expressive Arts and Design - I can make a cake and I can grow my own plants.  

Pupils will also be developing skills in the following curricular goals throughout this term :

• Literacy - I can tell a story in my own way

• Maths - I can use my counting skills to solve everyday problems

• Understanding the world - I can grow my own plants Pupils will also be focusing on the following in the three prime areas : 

Personal, Social and Emotional Development ( PSED )  – experiencing opportunities to develop self-confidence and self-awareness, opportunities to develop independence skills, playing indoor and outdoor games – turn taking and sharing and opportunities to develop role play and play skills. In addition, pupils will also be focusing on learning how to manage their feelings and behaviour and they will be building the skills to develop relationships with others.  

Communication and Language – pupils will be experiencing a range of sensory stories and texts. Pupils will be encouraged to respond to questions about different texts. Pupils will be continuing to develop their communication skills using speech, ALD boards, signing and PECS. Pupils will also be developing language and Personal Development skills through the Curiosity Programme and Attention Autism sessions.  

Physical Development – pupils will continue to develop their gross and fine motor skills and pupils will also have opportunities to explore and move on a range of equipment – both large and small in the classroom, outside and also in soft play.  In addition pupils will also be focusing on the following in the additional four specific areas : 

In addition pupils will also be focusing on the following in the additional four specific areas :

  • Literacy – Pupils will be developing mark-making skills, building on their Phonic skills through daily Little Wandle sessions and they will be encouraged to explore Literacy in the environment both indoors and outdoors.

  • Mathematics – pupils will be focusing on number songs and rhymes, counting accurately – forwards and backwards from 0 to 10, matching numbers to quantities and exploring shapes and sorting a wide range of objects according to different categories.

  • Understanding the World ( UTW ) – this term pupils will be developing their knowledge of the season of Winter and Spring and the different types of weather. Pupils will be focusing on exploring their senses and they will be exploring a wider range of areas within the school environment. Pupils will have the opportunity to explore the world around them through Outdoor Learning sessions. This half-term pupils will also be learning about the following festivals/important days : Chinese New Year and Safer Internet Day. ​​​​​​​
  • The focus for Computing will be controlling my Environment using ICT, accessing the world and entertaining myself using ICT, completing tasks independently using ICT, communicating using ICT and learning to use ICT safely. 

  • ​​​​​​​Expressive Arts and Design – Pupils will be using a range of medium including powder paint to explore colours and colour mixing. Pupils will be developing an awareness of pastel shades of colours. Pupils will be exploring Transient Art and Junk modelling. They will have the opportunity to develop their fixing skills – stapling and scissor skills when creating their own collage. Pupils will also have the opportunity to be making and decorating cakes.  
  • Food Technology – this term pupil’s will be focusing on mixing, sieving, pouring, sprinkling and slicing. They will have the opportunity to make and decorate cakes.